Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Suits vs Shorts

Soooo lets talk about……Michelle Obama.

Ok I don’t know if you all have heard (if you haven’t you should leave the rock you live under) there has been a big fuss about First Lady Obama wearing shorts on Air Force One. First off.. so f*cking what! I think people are over reacting, AGAIN! First it was a big deal she wore shorts sleeve, now she’s wearing shorts. I don’t see the problem here. I mean lets think about it. Its 100 plus degrees, she is spending family time with her daughters and they are about to go hike in the Grand Canyon. Who the hell would wear a pants suit doing that. NOBODY! So why should she be any different. Ok fine. Yes she is the First Lady, and yes she is riding aboard Air Force One and yes she is the first, First Lady to wear shorts. BUT… just because she is the First Lady doesn’t mean she can’t be comfortable. I mean really is there a dress code for Air Force One, I don’t think so and lastly there is a good reason why Mrs Obama is the first to wear shorts. Real simple. Imagine Laura Bush or Patricia Nixon in shorts…..enough said. So people get real, just because Mr and Mrs Obama are President and First Lady does not mean that have to live in suits! I personally appreciate the fact that our president wears jeans to baseball games and his wife wears shorts and tennis shoes when hiking. It makes them seem… I dunno real! But tell me what you think ppl.


Greg Jones Said It!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

So....Who's Your Barber

Sooooo lets talk about........Women rocking the low cut!

Ok so whats the deal with women cutting their hair off! I can't tell you how many times in the last month I've looked around and have seen a women with the same hair style as me. What happen to braids, a wrap, anybody still rocking a freeze! I mean come on. At one point it was a big deal to have long flowing hair, now you walk past the beauty salons and thier empty, and I can't find a seat in the barbershop cuz a lady and her two daughters bout to get bald fade! Ok Ok I can't front some ppl wear it will and it actually looks hot
(Amber Rose)
but then theres others
(Solange Knowles)
and of course you have those who can't really decide it they really want to do it so they cut off half of thier hair.. which i think it ridiculous.
But I guess its starting to become normal for people to do these abnormal things. So fellas be mindful that the next time your lady says she's going to get her hair done, she might come back looking like you!!!


Greg Jones Said It!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ya Boy is BACK!!! (Quick Update)

First of all its been waaay to long. But ya boy is back! Man just an update on what's been going on wit me! I've been working hard on getting my personal training company off the ground, Elite Fitness, we on our way!! But I'm here to tell starting and running a company is a job and a half, not to mention I work for the gov as well. So ya boy been made busy. Moved into my new place recently and I feel like I got a pretty good deal for dc and its in a dope ass spot! But yea that's just a lil quick update so be lookin out for some more blogs!! Oh and be on the look out for the Elite Fitness fan page and Fitness Blog site! I'm trying to get it done out here people and I appreciate all of y'all support!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

WWJD (What Would Jones Do)

Sooo lets talk about… what you wanna talk about

If decided to make this about YOU. What questions, issues, or things do you want to get off your chest and would like my opinion about. So in the comment box write what you wanna say, ask what you wanna ask. Holla at me. We’ll treat it like an Ask Greg Jones segment. No rules, no limits, no boundaries. Feel free to ask what ever. I’ll respond.. the good ones might just get there own blog.

Greg Jones Said It!!!

*SMH* We Are Losing

Soooo Lets talk about……… black women vs other ethnicities

First off I already know this one gone piss ppl off…SO! Its how I feel and it doesn’t really apply to everybody but to the majority. Also this is based off what I see, on a day to day and my trip to Mia weighed heavily on this issue. But anyway black women as a whole you are losing. While I was down in Miami I noticed a lot of beautiful ppl. Not many of them were black women. And all I could think was.. “Damn we gotta do better.” And when I found I wasn’t the only one that saw it I felt like Greg Jones had to say something. The black women I saw on the beach, in the streets of Mia looked a miss.. Squeezing stuff in places it has no business being. I mean just cuz they make it in your size doesn’t mean ppl ur size should wear it. And even those who weren’t over weight just looked a fuckin mess. I’m like damn who dressed you.. and y the hell your friends let you come out lookin like that. Now don’t’ get me wrong the other ethnic groups had the share of hot messes too but black women took the cake by far. And don’t think I’m saying this to degrade of devalue our women. I’m sayin it as a wake up call.. I’m saying it in hopes that ppl will get over settling for being unhealthy, raggedy and having shit attitudes on top of it all.
Just because you wearing tights as pants is the fashion trend doesn’t mean you should squeeze ur big ass in them. Having a fat ass in not an excuse for you stomach to be equally big. Just because u paid $80 for your hair doesn’t mean you should hold on to wearing it 4 weeks longer then you should. And just because you look decent doesn’t mean you have to have an ugly attitude. Ultimately black women I think you all should start to look outside of yourself. I really don’t think it’s a coincidence that most of your are single. I don’t’ think it is a coincidence that your black men (the good ones at least) are steering towards other races and ethnic groups. It not a coincidence that the number of African American baby mommies is increasing while the number of African American wives is decreasing. This is a problem. Lets take more pride. With that said I love my beautiful black women. Lets just get it together.

Greg Jones Said It!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

They Still Make YOU???

Sooooo lets talk about…People that won’t give oral!

Ok first of all its almost 2010 ppl. The United States has a black president, gay/lesbian relationships are widely accepted, and the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice was just appointed. With all those barriers being broken there are still ppl who refuse to give oral. WTF!! What are ya’ll waiting on and/or afraid of. I just don’t get it. I was having a convo wit my boy and this topic came up. He was like “man I can’t eat it dawg, vagina too mysterious. Too much be goin on in that area.” Granted he has a point. But fellas you can’t just expect the dick to do the trick everytime.. and even if it does you gotta switch the game up. Man up and get in there! Head first…MUFFSTACHE STYLE. Oh and ladies there are still some of u out there too. Talking bout “I aint sucking ya thang.. u betta suck ya own thang” Where is this non-sense coming from. Then on top of that.. they ones that will do it.. give a half assed effort. And in that case ur wasting both of our time. So ultimately if you aint giving head…Kill Yo Self (not literally). Because you are depriving your partner of one of the pleasures of life!! So am I the only one who as run into this.. or are any of you anti oral. If you are PLEASE EXPLAIN URSELF!... That is all.


Greg Jones Said It!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Beauty By The Dollar

SOOO…. Lets talk about female beautification


Ok so maybe its me but it seems like females have more artificial beauty accessories then EVER. I mean what’s wrong wit just being you. If you have short hair.. then wear it proudly wit yo bald head ass (and I say bald head ass as a term of endearment) Frankly I’m tired of being tricked.  Yes I said it TRICKED!!  Because truthfully that exactly whats happening. Like every part about u that I like has a receipt.  That ain’t cool.  And I’m just tired of it. Because guys if you anything like me, ur in the club its prolly 3am, its dark and ur SMASHED. And thru ur tired, drunk, sunglass in the club eyes, you see this BAD chick. Long hair, and everything sittin in all the right places.  Shit u think u done found HALLE BERRYYY HALLE BERRY. And u get her to the crib and when u wake up in the morn u see.. Marion Berry. (Marion Berry is the former Mayor of DC see here And women how would u feel if that happened you u. You dancing wit a guy in the club and u feel about 10inches rub up against you and you get home and bout to get it crackin and he says.. “Hold on babe let me talk of this dick extender.” You’d feel bamboozled. So stop it. Stop tricking us men with this long pretty hair that don’t belong to you. Don’t be batting those long eyelashes at me when u know glued them on. And take off that damn contraption that make ya breast and booty sit up all nice like that!! Its confusing. But fellas don’t worry.. I think I have it figured out.. at least for the summer. Make all you first dates at the pool. Yes the pool. So I know your thinking, Greg Jones Said It why to the pool? Because she can’t hide that piece of equipment that sucks her waist in when she’s wearing a swim suit. If she has dents in you booty that look like she’s been hit repeatedly wit golf balls.. swim suit bottoms make it known. But the final trick fellas is this. PUSH HER IN THE POOL!!! Yes, bump her ass right in the 3ft.(just in case she can’t swim) If her smile is running down her face- Too much make up. If she went in with hair down her back and come out wit a fade.. it’s a weave. If one eye is green and the other is just regular ole brown- Contacts. So ya see, she can’t hide anything there ppl. So fellas do you feel my pain? Women and I being outrageous? Let me know


Greg Jones Said It!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Just Wanna Watch!!!

Soooo lets talk about…….Sex with people in the room.


Maybe its just me but there have been several times that I been about to close the deal and my boys are in the room, someone is sleeping in the same room or I’m actually the odd man out. Now to me it’s a no brainer. Proceed as normal..GAME TIME!! But that’s not always the case with some people.  See, me and my guys have an understanding and have often been quoted as saying “I’ll watch!” And no we’re not into some type of kinky society of voyeurism its just kinda like permission for the other person to do what they gotta do.  “Almost like don’t mind me I’ll be over here chillin.” (or actually watching lol)  And yea I know your thinking well u can just sneak and do it. Do the whole hide under the covers, lay on our side and hope no one hears the bed squeaking thing. BOO THAT!! I mean come on, we’re adults here. The other person/people already know what’s going on so why try to front. Lets go ahead and enjoy the ride. (no pun intended) Plus the whole spooning sex thing is not where its at. Ok, I’ll admit I’m a bit more open then others in terms of being naked around people.  And I understand not everyone will be on that level. But some people will actually just pass up getting some action because there are people around. If the extra person is a complete stranger, fine I feel you (although I’d still do it) but if we all know each other and we know you and the other person are bout to get it popping anyway.. what’s the problem?  When it’s all said and done I’m wondering does being seen or heard in the act deter you from even participating?  I’m I just totally out of line with how I’m thinking about this situation? Let me know what you think.



Greg Jones Said It!!!




Tuesday, May 12, 2009


First and foremost I want to thank you for checking out my blog spot.  I'll be talking about a little bit of everything. Some serious, some stupid, some explicit, and some things that just need to be said.  My post will reflect my thoughts and views on a lot of issues and if you know me, then you know there's no telling what I'll say next! So I encourage you to follow my blogs and stay tuned. 

Greg Jones Said It!!!