Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Just Wanna Watch!!!

Soooo lets talk about…….Sex with people in the room.


Maybe its just me but there have been several times that I been about to close the deal and my boys are in the room, someone is sleeping in the same room or I’m actually the odd man out. Now to me it’s a no brainer. Proceed as normal..GAME TIME!! But that’s not always the case with some people.  See, me and my guys have an understanding and have often been quoted as saying “I’ll watch!” And no we’re not into some type of kinky society of voyeurism its just kinda like permission for the other person to do what they gotta do.  “Almost like don’t mind me I’ll be over here chillin.” (or actually watching lol)  And yea I know your thinking well u can just sneak and do it. Do the whole hide under the covers, lay on our side and hope no one hears the bed squeaking thing. BOO THAT!! I mean come on, we’re adults here. The other person/people already know what’s going on so why try to front. Lets go ahead and enjoy the ride. (no pun intended) Plus the whole spooning sex thing is not where its at. Ok, I’ll admit I’m a bit more open then others in terms of being naked around people.  And I understand not everyone will be on that level. But some people will actually just pass up getting some action because there are people around. If the extra person is a complete stranger, fine I feel you (although I’d still do it) but if we all know each other and we know you and the other person are bout to get it popping anyway.. what’s the problem?  When it’s all said and done I’m wondering does being seen or heard in the act deter you from even participating?  I’m I just totally out of line with how I’m thinking about this situation? Let me know what you think.



Greg Jones Said It!!!





  1. Leave it to you, Lil' Greg to make your very first post about sex!!! LOL but, if you're comfortable with the other person/people in the room, hey, why not?! Go ahead and get it in...(don't judge me lol)...

  2. I feel as though in the situations in which I've heard there were multiple ppl in a room having sex it was b/c there was more than one person geting in on the action. Lets be for real, ppl get turned on by watching porn, so you mean to tell me that if somebody was just gettin' it in something crazy, no shame, ass and everything out right in front of you, you wouldn't want in? You probably would, now if you're bold enough to ask, you might get lucky!!! (That's how the trains get ran I suppose) For me personally it's not about being comfortable around other ppl naked or whatever, it's the fact that when you share an "intimate" moment with someone, it's supposed to be just that "intimate" and not everybody else's business. Even if you get put out the room cuz you know what's about to go down doesn't mean that you have the option to watch. I guess it's just a matter of if you're a jump off or a lady (from the female's perspective). Good topic though, you're hella silly ;)

  3. If you wanna get yours then you shouldn't care who's in the room. Now I understand with the whole "train" thing. But that's your choice as well. Hell, I've been in the situation before but I wanted to get mine, so I got it. LOL

  4. wow. I mean, I guess if everyone in the room is all for team sports... idk. But, like Lay said I guess it depends on how you view sex as a whole. Some people do consider it to be intimate while others consider it to be a hobby/ sporting activity. I think there has to be a level of comfort [or an absurd amount of alcohol] for it to occur...? Just my guess. ;)

  5. Oh, and I love the disclaimer/content advisory display upon entering your blog. Nobody can get offended or say you didn't warn them!

  6. @Brittany well it was on my mind so I had to see what ppl thought, thats the whole point of Greg Jones Said It. @Lay I totally agree with the whole getting turned on by other ppl goin at it. I mean we human its natural. @Anon Spoken like a true champ!! haha @J yea lay does have a point but I feel like it can still be intimate. I mean forreal forreal once you get into it you kinda forget about the other ppl in the room.. at least I do. Oh and the disclaimer was definitely necessary. I wish I had one on my forehead sometimes.

  7. Ummm... I kinda agree wit you Lay. But do you really want to be intimate EVERYTIME???? I mean maybe I'm just weird or somethin but I know sometimes I just want to get it in. Of course there are times when you light the candles and move all slow and shit, all that good stuff. But on the opposite end of the spectrum, I think it can be just as good (and way more fun) to get it beat up. 0:) And I think somebody else bein in the room maybe just heightens the excitement of a straight bang out session even more. I'm not saying I'm a proponent of it or that I even participate in this type of behavior on the regular. But I don't see anything wrong with it either, especially if the other people in the room are your people. Like people that you know well, that you know won't judge you, and that already know that you got that freak in you anyway. So yeah.....that's it. :)

  8. Hey Greg you said it right man. Who cares when you're on mission for some ass!?!!!? I'm use to it now, it doesn't even phase me. The first time was kinda weird initially but eventually, I quit caring that ppl were in the room. BUT, I would not do this random ass people in the room though.

  9. i hope yall never run for office

  10. @"i hope yall never run for office"

    I don't plan on it and if I did this blog would be the least of my worries! Maybe some politicians should be partaking in this type of activity.. then everybody would be chill and stop trying to blow everything up!

  11. @Chelesa, maybe I should clarify what I mean by "intimate", not saying that it has to be a whole sexy set up, love-makin' type deal, my definition for "intimate" means that it's personal. Trust and believe it's plenty of times where it's all about "gettin' it in" but I'm not gonna just expose myself to the team because of that. If I'm that horny, it's more exciting for me to just go somewhere random and get it done, just my personal opinion. If it's around ppl that I know won't judge me, idk, maybe I'll have to try it out j/k

  12. Lol, you aint j/k. You should try it out though! But yeah, I aint about exposin it to the team. There are only a few people who I would consider close enough to do that with. But those people should already know how I do and don't get down anyway so it wouldn't be an issue.

    And it's funny how everybody jumped on this @whoever thing. Damn Twitter takin over the world.

  13. @Chelesa!!!!! Oh ehm jhee! After all the "SMH" I get from you about the things I say?!? hmph. (side eye at you not "getting down anyway")

  14. Yea J I'm wit you chelesa should be shaking her head at anybody. I think her statements pretty much summed up how she gets down. "I mean maybe I'm just weird or somethin but I know sometimes I just want to get it in." Not to mention the "bang out session" she referred to.

  15. First of all, I was like who the f*** is J??? Actin like they know me. Then I saw that it was the one and only... Sigh. But anyway, my statements didn't sum up anything. I stated how I felt about the situation. I never said that I did or didn't do the things that were mentioned, just that I'm not against it. Secondly, why are yall teaming up on me about this? I haven't said anything anybody else hasn't said or didnt agree with, and I didn't come down on anybody bout doin nothin and am actually encouraging others to do their thing. If I recall correctly, this blog is not about me, so I don't understand why all the focus is all of a sudden on me and trying to put me on blast. I have never tried to hide how I feel about things. If asked, I will always say how I feel or how I get down. However, I don't necessarily broadcast it for the world to see all the time (@Jehan). And for the record (@GregJones), I never said anything about participating in any bangout sessions myself. I said, in general terms, that it would heighten the excitement for people in that situation, which a person can easily infer without being in the situation themself. The only thing I stated directly about myself was that I like to "get it in", which was stated previous to that by another person and which multiple people have also agreed with. So thanks for taking things out of context to try to blast me (@GregJones). The people who know me know what I am and am not about (i.e. I am about doin my thing, whatever that may be, but I am NOT about puttin my business completely out there, especially in front of people I don't know that well, which is in alignment with what I said in my previous comment). So my statements shouldn't be viewed as hypocritical or whatever yall are trying to imply. But since apparently I am out of line for saying what I said, I will keep my opinions to myself from now on. Thank you very much. That is all. :-P


  16. Wow! This was a steamy one..... I think that my sex with others in the room ain't gonna happen. ( With people I know in the room with me) Maybe if I was twenty but I'm not anymore. ( wish I was close :Z).. I feel that some people do grow out of that but if you don't that pleasure is only on you. But I do know of very discreet places and clubs you can join to do that sort of thing. But what is a three some.....someone watchin right?.... And there isnt nothin wrong in my eyes with a little extra head in the room....for a little extra head in the room. hahahah
