Friday, June 5, 2009

*SMH* We Are Losing

Soooo Lets talk about……… black women vs other ethnicities

First off I already know this one gone piss ppl off…SO! Its how I feel and it doesn’t really apply to everybody but to the majority. Also this is based off what I see, on a day to day and my trip to Mia weighed heavily on this issue. But anyway black women as a whole you are losing. While I was down in Miami I noticed a lot of beautiful ppl. Not many of them were black women. And all I could think was.. “Damn we gotta do better.” And when I found I wasn’t the only one that saw it I felt like Greg Jones had to say something. The black women I saw on the beach, in the streets of Mia looked a miss.. Squeezing stuff in places it has no business being. I mean just cuz they make it in your size doesn’t mean ppl ur size should wear it. And even those who weren’t over weight just looked a fuckin mess. I’m like damn who dressed you.. and y the hell your friends let you come out lookin like that. Now don’t’ get me wrong the other ethnic groups had the share of hot messes too but black women took the cake by far. And don’t think I’m saying this to degrade of devalue our women. I’m sayin it as a wake up call.. I’m saying it in hopes that ppl will get over settling for being unhealthy, raggedy and having shit attitudes on top of it all.
Just because you wearing tights as pants is the fashion trend doesn’t mean you should squeeze ur big ass in them. Having a fat ass in not an excuse for you stomach to be equally big. Just because u paid $80 for your hair doesn’t mean you should hold on to wearing it 4 weeks longer then you should. And just because you look decent doesn’t mean you have to have an ugly attitude. Ultimately black women I think you all should start to look outside of yourself. I really don’t think it’s a coincidence that most of your are single. I don’t’ think it is a coincidence that your black men (the good ones at least) are steering towards other races and ethnic groups. It not a coincidence that the number of African American baby mommies is increasing while the number of African American wives is decreasing. This is a problem. Lets take more pride. With that said I love my beautiful black women. Lets just get it together.

Greg Jones Said It!!!


  1. LOL Ouch Mr. Jones....this is harsh, but I feel you...I thought it was just St. Louis women out here lol (no offense) but apparently it's everywhere...but it's true exotic lookin chicks are in and we're out...

    P.S. your blogs are starting to become more like an intimate conversation between me and you lol...I think I'm gonna go recruit some people for you... =)

  2. hey Greg, the only people that would get mad about this are the women that can relate to it, but hopefully it'll be a wake up call to them. with that said, I agree but then again I can't relate to that. I'm a multiracial, natural, decent looking female :) it's a good thing you said this tho... keep talkin :) LOL
